Ответы на тесты по теме Языки

Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!

“To be out of touch” in this context means ...

to have different ideas, not to understand

Wallis is an important figure, because ...

he is a member of the Press Complaints Commission a spokesman for the tabloids

“In every other respect” in this context means ...

in all the details and particular points

“Conventional” in this context means...

following accepted custom and standards

“Array” in this context means ...

an ordered group

“Draft” in this context means ...

the first rough of smth written

“Obsolete” in this context means...

no longer used

“The minutes” in this context means ...

an official written record of what is said at the meeting

Cooperation on drug trafficking and organized crime ...

is one of the advances

“To insist” in this context means ...

to declare

Wallis and other tabloid editors ...

are more dangerous than the judges

The third paragraph starts with the sentence ... and ends with the sentence ...

According to the minutes, both sides decided ... In that regard, Nigeria submitted a new draft ...

“Drapes” in this context means...

long thick curtains

“To provide” in this context means ...

to cause or arrange

“Conceivable” in this context means ...

that can be believed

“Collaboration” in this context means ...


“To come near the end” in this context means ...

to be next to finish

The best ending sentence for the text is ...

He also said the two nations have a chance to build "a new century of the Americas"

Someone who commits a lot of crimes and goes on committing them is a __________________.

persistent offender

Our front page today gives details of the government’s new economic proposals. Our readers may think, as we do, that these measures are too little and too late. We say to the government, not for the first time, it is time...

