Ответы на тесты по теме Языки

Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!

Ты собираешься come late in the evening? (translate the underlined part)

Are you going to

My brother and I spend all weekends together. (make a negative sentence)

My brother and I don't spend all weekends together.

They have to hurry. (make a question)

Do they have to hurry?

Она собирается купить немного хлеба. (choose the right translation)

She's going to buy some bread.

This book ... very interesting. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)


What does the American word “brunch” mean?

a very late breakfast

В этой деревне много новых домов. (choose the right translation)

There are a lot of new houses in that village.

The dog (to look) at me. (make a sentence in present continuous)

The dog is looking at me.

... has no time for reading. (insert the right pronoun)


В этом учебнике много смешных историй. (choose the right translation)

There are a lot of funny stories in this text book.

Choose the right word: I have __________________ jobs to do.

a few

Choose the right word: I __________________ by all that I saw.

was impressed

Choose the right word: What’s wrong with you? Have you got __________________ headache?


Choose the right form of the verb: The man __________________ now is our new boss.


Choose the right form of the verb: When __________________ remember to turn off the light.


Почему они собираются come back? (translate the underlined part)

Why are they going to

Is it ... pencil? (вставьте притяжательное местоимение)


My brother and his wife get on very well. (make a negative sentence)

My brother and his wife don't get on very well.

Кому ты собираешься call about this problem? (translate the underlined part)

Whom are you going to

Собираешься ли ты finish this work tonight? (translate the underlined part)

Are you going to
