Ответы на тесты по теме Языки

Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!

Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: School was __________________ home!.


The topic “disadvantages of studying abroad” is not supported by the following idea:

learning experiences not available in the home country

Choose a synonym: whereas


The topic “reasons for importance of hobbies” is not supported by the following idea:

good health

Choose a synonym: at last


The underlined part of the sentence: “People can avoid catching a cold by taking certain precautions. First, you should avoid people who already have colds.” performs the function of:

supporting idea

Fill in the gap with a suitable word or phrase: __________________, if the hobby is stamp collecting, the person can learn about the countries of the world.

For example

Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some people choose friends who are __________________ from themselves.


The underlined word in the sentence “It was a lovely house with a red roof and a chimney on top.” expresses the following type of relationship:


Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: It might be useful to learn French, __________________ it is spoken in a lot of countries.


Identify the markers of comparison / contrast: Both English and French are spoken in Canada.

both ... and

The topic “kinds of home accidents” is not supported by the following idea:


Give the Russian equivalent: the same

тот же самый

The underlined word in the sentence “Then I realised I had left my key in the car.” expresses the following type of relationship:


Give the English equivalent: убеждать:


Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Some people believe that higher education should be __________________ only to good students.


Fill in the gap with a suitable word: Students at universities often have a __________________ of places to live.


The topic of the sentence: “American telephone books (A) are divided (B) into several (C) sections (D).” is:


Give the English equivalent: предосторожность


Fill in the blank with a suitable word or phrase: Learning a language is hard work for you, but you get there __________________ .

in the end
