Ответы на тесты по теме Языки

Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!

Commercial TV gets its money __________________ advertising.


A device inside a computer that stores large amounts of information is __________________.

hard disk

Prince Edward (left) enjoys a joke with actor Sam Cool (centre).


Choose the right answer: You like to __________________ and watch the talk shows.

stay up late

Programs that you put into a computer to make it run is __________________.


Media attention of an intense kind is blanket __________________.


Now is the time to plant roses. Put trees in at least 2 apart and cover roots with 6” of soil.

gardening tips

Choose the right answer: The __________________ is responsible for the arrangement of the news and features, the size and position of headlines. etc.

make-up editor

Commercial programmes __________________ this channel are financed __________________ different companies which do not have anything to do __________________ the arrengement or content of these programmes.

on, by, with

Premier to probe Riddle of “spics in ministry”.


The word is that Clinton Roo, 32, playboy son of US steel billionaire Dwight Ross, has left his girlfriend, actress Lee-Ann Vom Post, 26, and is now in Europe.

gossip column

Someone held in prison without being charged or tried is in __________________.

arbitrary detention

Choose the right answer: Who is an anchorperson?


Company shares are listed or quoted on the __________________.

stock market

Choose the right answer: A __________________ is written opinion of a book, play, film, etc.


If __________________ parties or politicians get reelected, they receive a fresh mandste from the electorate for a new term of office.


Starting overcast with intermittent rain followed by sunny spells, max. temp. 21 C°.

weather forecast

I’m always impressed by people who carry their __________________ on planes and work on them during the flight.


Viewers __________________ commercial TV have to watch advertisements __________________ petrol, washing machines, soap and many other items which they do not require __________________ and __________________ programmes.

of, for, between, during

The other day I __________________ some photos I’d taken so that I could send them to a friend in America.

