Ответы на тесты по теме Языки
Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!
Эти ножи не очень острые. (translate into English)
These knives are not very sharp.
We go to the cinema every day. (make a negative sentence)
We don't go to the cinema every day.
She has a lot of books. (make a negative sentence)
She doesn't have many books.
You have to go to bed early. (make a question)
Do you have to go to bed early?
She has to print this text. (make a negative sentence)
She doesn't have to print this text.
He (to sing) a song. (make a sentence in present continuous)
He's singing a song.
This girl is ... friend. (вставьте притяжательное местоимение)
Не хотите ли кофе? (choose the right translation)
Would you like some coffee?
We have to spend more time together. (make a question)
Do we have to spend more time togethet?
Что ты видишь? (translate into English)
What do you see?
I think ... work too much. (insert the right pronoun)
I'm sure I to find it. (поставьте подчеркнутый глагол в будущее время)
will find
My mother works on Sundays. (make a negative sentence)
My mother does not work on Sundays.
... don't live in Moscow anymore. (insert the right pronoun)
Which book your sister (to read) every evening? (Choose: Present Simple or Present Continuous)
Which book does your sister read every evening?
He has to go to the dentist. (make a question)
Does he have to go to the dentist?
В твоей комнате есть какие-нибудь растения? (choose the right translation)
Are there any plants in your room?
I think yo to be late. (поставьте подчеркнутый глагол в будущее время)
will be
My friends ... good football players. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)
В этом журнале очень много новых статей об искусстве. (choose the right translation)
There are a lot of new articles about art in this magazine.