Ответы на тесты по теме Языки

Для более эффективного поиска следует вводить 2-3 ключевых слова из вопроса !!!

Собираются ли они to the party tonight? (translate the underlined part)

Are they going to

My sisters go to see their friends every evening. (make a negative sentence)

My sisters don't go to see their friends every evening.

to lend support (find the Russian equivalent)

оказывать поддержку

In winter my parents go to the country at the weekends. (make a negative sentence)

In winter my parents don't go to the country at the weekends.

Где мои очки? Я не могу их найти. (translate into English)

Where are my glasses? I can't find them.

В этом городе нет гостиницы. (choose the right translation)

There isn't a hotel in this city.

This book ... very expensive. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)

is not

В старом офисе нет кондиционера. (choose the right translation)

There is no air-conditioner in the old office.

Хочешь сыра? (choose the right translation)

Do you want some cheese?

My mother ... at home. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)


I ... at home on Sundays. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)


Где ты работаешь? (translate into English)

Where do you work?

... cat is not at home. (вставьте притяжательное местоимение)


... don't want to go home. (insert the right pronoun)


... like this idea very much. (insert the right pronoun)


They like their new teacher. (make a negative sentence)

They don't like their new teacher.

I ... from Moscow. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)


The dog ... in the garden. (insert the verb to be in the correct form)


В этой комнате нет стульев. (choose the right translation)

There aren't chairs in the room.

Куда ты обычно ходишь вечером? (translate into English)

Where do you usually go in the evening?
